Hollomon Price Foundation accepts grant requests by invitation only

2019 HPF Grants

  • Natural Resource Defense Council  (NRDC) - $150,000.00
    The funds are being granted to continue to assist NRDC in leading the environmental community’s efforts to promote a strong and effective treaty regulating the high seas through the United Nations. There are two 2019 (and a final one in 2020) scheduled negation sessions at the UN and NRDC will engage in intense advocacy before, during and after (follow-up) those sessions. NRDC has begun working with an international team to develop an integrated ecosystem assessment of the Central; Artic Ocean (under the auspices of the Artic Council and two other scientific organizations (ICES and PISCES). *Lisa Speers will present an in-depth proposal at our meeting by phone.
  • Smart Surfaces Coalition - $100,000.00
    The funds are being granted to assist with a national effort to technically assist municipalities in replacing concrete with green and/or porous surfaces. The use of nonporous surfaces (concrete) causes costly water runoff and excess summer heat, called the urban heat island effect—making cities an average of 9 degrees warmer in the summer. This increases energy and water costs, exacerbates global warming, air pollution, and health problems—making cities less resilient and less equitable (low-income neighborhoods suffer the most). All these problems can be reversed by city-wide adoption of a range of “smart surface” treatments including green roofs, cool roofs, reflective pavements, porous sidewalks, solar PV on roofs or for shading, expanded use of rain gardens and trees. The funds will be specifically used for supporting the work of the SSC to enable a major launch of tools, training programs, and an in-the cloud analysis software in late summer 2019. The funds will also be used to design and develop a 3-year program to extend funded work and to secure - $3 million in funding to hire 3+ full time staff for 3+ years from the end of 2019 through the end of 2022.
  • Bat Conservation International - $100,000.00
    The funds are being granted as a matching grant for BCI’s capital campaign to build a visitor education pavilion at the Bracken Bat Cave site. The pavilion will include a welcome area, parking, movable walls and seating, enhanced bat viewing space, interpretive visitor experience, catering kitchen, and restroom facilities. By making this a matching grant, HPF shows a local significant endorsement of BCI’s project and will serve as an incentive for BCI to garner “matching funds” from individuals and other donors in the community.
  • Bat Conservation International - $30,000.00 (John Bellett)
    The funds are being granted to pay for a feasibility study which is required prior to embarking on a capital campaign to move forward with the capital campaign for funding the education pavilion (later in 2019). The feasibility study will take place between September and December 2018 and will be conducted by San Antonio based fund raising consultancy Lee & Associates.
  • Feral Cat Coalition - $5,000.00 (John Bellett)
    The funds are being granted to assist with trap-neuter-release of feral cats in San Antonio. Spayed/neutered feral cats that are managed in colonies and fed regularly, are not forced to hunt for their food – thus the killing of songbirds is greatly reduced as opposed to leaving them unaltered and unmanaged as strays.